Legal Info


1. Information of Compliance with Law 34/2002 of July 11th (Art. 9 and 10) Holder: CREVIN, S.A. Address: Pol. Ind. Santa Margarita I C/ Llobregat, 21, 08223 Terrassa (Barcelona) +34 93 784 11 66 / +34 93 784 14 60 Registry data: Business register of the city of Barcelona in Book 2516, Volume 3152, Page 1, Sheet 33249 inscription nº 21 01 76 CIF: A-08393910

2. Intellectual Property Policy CREVIN, S.A. disclaims all responsibility arising from the incorrect, inappropriate or illicit use of the information published in CREVIN.COM web site. Within the limits established by law, CREVIN.COM expressly disclaims all responsibility derived from lack of veracity, integrity, updating, and accuracy of data and information displayed on its site. Contents and information displayed on CREVIN.COM web pages provide an information and divulgation service and may be prepared by CREVIN.COM staff or design sector professionals. So, contents and information displayed on CREVIN.COM site does not entail CREVIN.COM, nor constitute officially its opinion. CREVIN.COM web pages may provide links to other Internet sites not related to CREVIN.COM. CREVIN.COM is not responsible for contents displayed on third-party sites. Texts, images, sounds, animations, software and any other content featured in CREVIN.COM site is property of CREVIN.COM or its owners. You are not allowed to reproduce, distribute, transfer, broadcast, store or publicly retransmit any such material or any part thereof unless you have CREVIN.COM express consent.

3. Data protection law (Organic law 15/1999 of December 13th) You should provide some personal details to access some services offered by CREVIN.COM in its site. In compliance with Organic law 15/1999 of December 13th, on Personal Data Protection, we state that, by filling in our forms, your personal details will be added and parsed in a file, properly registered, property of Salon Internacional de Diseño, S.L. in order to provide services (properly described) and any commercial information that CREVIN.COM consider interesting for you. Your data will never be transferred to third-parties. Besides, you are able to access, correct, cancel and contrast your personal details stored in CREVIN.COM by means of sending a message to or posting a letter to CREVIN, S.A., Pol. Ind. Santa Margarita I C/ Llobregat, 21, 08223 Terrassa (Barcelona).


1. Acceptance of legal contract conditions By accepting the present contract (by means of activating the click), the user claims: Being a person over 18 years old, able to contract, who has read and accepted the present legal conditions. These legal conditions (hereon the "legal conditions"), regulate the juridical relation arising out of contractual processes made between users (hereon "users") and the site located in 'http://www.CREVIN.COM', property of CREVIN, S.A. (hereon "CREVIN.COM"). Users accept the legal conditions since they use (consult, visit...) or contract any service. This document may be printed and stored by users. CREVIN.COM makes available to users the telephone number +34 93 784 11 66 and the electronic address, so as users can ask any question about legal conditions.

2. Applicable law The present legal conditions are subject to Law 7/1998, of April 13th, on General Contract Conditions, Law 26/1984, of July 19th, General Law for Consumers and Users Defense, Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th, on Personal Data Protection, and Law 34/2002 of July 11th, on Services of Society of Information and Electronic Commerce.

3. Service use and responsibilities policy CREVIN.COM does not warrant that access to the site will be uninterrupted. CREVIN.COM expressly disclaims all responsibilities for possible damage or inconvenience arising out of service unavailability due to circumstances out of its control or failures in data transference telematic networks. CREVIN.COM disclaims all responsibility of contents displayed on third-party sites linked from the site. User states that information provided by CREVIN.COM through its sections or services does not have entailing or legal nature, but only informational.

4. Modification of legal conditions CREVIN.COM may modify these legal conditions without prior warning to users in order to improve services provided by CREVIN.COM. By displaying the modified legal conditions on CREVIN.COM site, users are considered warned. In any case, legal conditions can be consulted before using services.

5. Privacy and personal data protection policy By providing electronic address or any other personal data, required for contracting some services, users accept that this data is parsed and used to send commercial communications of promotion or publicity of services or products provided by CREVIN.COM or its sponsors. CREVIN.COM makes available to users the electronic address and the telephone number +34 93 784 11 66, so as users can cancel the given consent. CREVIN.COM states compliance with data protection regulations currently in force, in particular the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th, on Personal Data Protection, and the Royal Decree 994/1999, of July 11th, which develops this organic law. CREVIN.COM makes available to customers the contact details mentioned in the paragraph above, so as they can exert their rights of accessing, correcting, cancelling and contrasting warranted by current regulations. CREVIN.COM states that data provided by users will never be transferred to third-parties, except to companies members of CREVIN, its associates.

6. Intellectual property compliance Contents provided by CREVIN.COM are subject to Intellectual and Industrial Property rights and are exclusive property of CREVIN, S.A. or of natural persons and legal entities which constitute it. By acquiring a service, CREVIN.COM does not confer on the acquirer any right of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the service. CREVIN.COM reserves all these rights. Transfer of these rights require prior written consent of CREVIN.COM. User will not be able to provide these contents to third-parties. Intellectual property extends, besides content displayed on CREVIN.COM, to its logos, design, images and source code used to its development.

7. Applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction The present legal conditions regulate and should be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Kingdom of Spain.

8. Notifications All notifications, requirements, requests and other communications to be done by parties related to the present legal conditions, should be done in writing and be delivered by hand or by registered mail.